Zyprexa Settlement - $690,000,000

Written by Michael@Monheit.com - Michael Monheit, Esquire

Eli and Lilly Company stock moved little Friday after Thursday night's announcement of a whopping $690 million Zyprexa settlement. Plaintiff lawyers and Eli Lilly and Co. late on June 9 announced an agreement in principle to settle a majority of Zyprexa claims for $690 million.

Whilerepparttar Zyprexa cases were consolidated inrepparttar 142664 U.S. District Court forrepparttar 142665 Eastern District of New York,repparttar 142666 Zyprexa settlement will encompass some state and federal claims acrossrepparttar 142667 country.

The Zyprexa lawsuit involved nearly 8,000 patients. A majority of them reported diabetic complications after takingrepparttar 142668 anti-psychotic medication.

A plaintiff's negotiator on Friday said it's a win for all patients because Lilly added a warning torepparttar 142669 Zyprexa product label.

According to plaintiffs counsel, Mr. Seeger, "There were doctors that we know of that were prescribingrepparttar 142670 drug for mood swings and depression and for people who didn't sleep well at night. We had people who had developed diabetic comas, some died, some recovered."

Eli Lilly maintains its top selling drug is safe for patients with bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia.

Zyprexa Diabetes Lawsuits

Written by Michael@Monheit.com - Michael Monheit, Esquire

Zyprexa coma side effects, and others like heart attacks and diabetes, are significant. In February 2004repparttar American Diabetes Association published a Consensus Statement in its Diabetes Care journal. In that statement,repparttar 142663 American Diabetes Association,repparttar 142664 American Psychiatric Association,repparttar 142665 American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists andrepparttar 142666 North American Association forrepparttar 142667 Study of Obesity, stated that data consistently shows an increased risk for diabetes in patients who are treated with Zyprexa (generic – olanzapine). Zyprexa is also associated with an increase risk of coma. The findings were based on input from drug companies, consultations with numerous experts, and reviewing medical literature.

What is Zyprexa?

* Zyprexa is an atypical antipsychotic medication that changesrepparttar 142668 chemical actions in your brain. * Zyprexa is used to treat psychotic symptoms including hallucinations, delusions, and confusion. * Zyprexa may also be used for purposes other than those listed inrepparttar 142669 medication guide.

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